
Subscription services like ClassPass have revolutionized the fitness industry by offering members flexibility and variety in their workout routines. While these platforms have become immensely popular among consumers, they also present unique challenges and opportunities for gym owners. Understanding how to navigate the impact of these subscription services is crucial for maintaining member retention and maximizing revenue.

The Rise of Subscription Services

ClassPass and similar services provide members with access to a variety of fitness studios and classes through a single membership. This model appeals to those who crave flexibility and variety, allowing them to try different types of workouts and facilities without committing to a single gym. As a result, traditional gyms face increased competition and must adapt to retain and attract members.

Challenges for Gyms

Revenue Fluctuations:

Subscription services typically pay gyms per visit rather than through a fixed membership fee, leading to inconsistent revenue streams.

Member Loyalty:

With the option to explore various gyms and classes, member loyalty can diminish as they may prefer to switch between different facilities.

Resource Allocation:

Managing class schedules and instructor availability becomes more complex with the unpredictability of ClassPass bookings.

Brand Dilution:

Many gym owners feel that ClassPass attendees are just that—attendees, not true members. This can dilute the sense of community and brand identity that many gyms work hard to cultivate.

Revenue Cut:

The substantial cut that ClassPass takes from each booking can be a significant pain point. Gym owners often feel that the financial benefits do not outweigh the costs. As one gym owner shared on Reddit, “We lose more than we gain with ClassPass. The cut they take is too much, and the attendees don’t stick around.”

Community Impact:

Gym owners express concerns that ClassPass disrupts the community atmosphere. The transient nature of ClassPass users can undermine the camaraderie and loyalty among regular members. As noted in a Reddit forum, “ClassPass users come and go. They don’t contribute to the community vibe we’ve worked so hard to build.”

Opportunities for Growth

Increased Exposure:

Being listed on ClassPass can introduce your gym to a broader audience, attracting potential new members who may eventually commit to a full membership.

Off-Peak Utilization:

Gyms can use ClassPass to fill classes and slots during off-peak hours, maximizing the use of their facilities.

Diversified Offerings:

Embracing the demand for variety can encourage gyms to diversify their class offerings and improve overall member satisfaction.

Strategies to Navigate the Impact

Enhance Member Experience:

Focus on providing exceptional service and a welcoming environment to build strong relationships with your members. Personalized experiences and a sense of community can encourage loyalty despite the availability of subscription services.

Exclusive Benefits:

Offer exclusive perks for direct members, such as discounts on merchandise, special events, and priority booking for popular classes. These incentives can make a full membership more appealing compared to a subscription service. See our blog on Creating a Loyalty Rewards Program

Flexible Membership Options:

Create flexible membership plans that mimic the benefits of subscription services. This could include class bundles, short-term passes, or hybrid memberships that combine the flexibility of ClassPass with the advantages of traditional gym memberships.

Data Utilization:

Leverage data analytics to understand member preferences and behaviors. This information can help tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of your target audience. See our Data Analytics & Member Engagement blog.


Subscription services like ClassPass have undeniably changed the fitness landscape. While they present certain challenges, they also offer significant opportunities for growth and innovation. By enhancing member experiences, offering exclusive benefits, and utilizing data-driven strategies, gyms can successfully navigate the impact of these services and thrive in the competitive fitness market.

At GroeFit, we are committed to helping gyms adapt to these changes and build stronger connections with their members. Sign up for our newsletter or stay tuned for more insights and strategies to enhance your gym’s success in our upcoming blogs.

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